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know about open to sky....

Jan 27 2024

know about open to sky....


An Open To Sky (OTS) is a portion of a house layout that is roofless. Sometimes the layout of a house plan compels us to construct a room without windows. This is bad in the long term. An OTS climbs to the roof to let in natural light and ventilation.

As the name implies, Open to Sky (OTS) is an enclosed zone within the building area that is open to the sky. Because the living room, kitchen, and bedroom are all encircled by other building units on all sides, these areas are known as enclosed spaces.

This guarantees adequate room for natural light and ventilation.It also acts as a portal for vertical pipelines, such as gas, water, and drainage pipes.

When building a structure without any setbacks around the edges, OTS can be utilized to create drainage chambers.

Additionally, it can be utilized to run waterlines and pipes vertically from the higher stories, improving the exterior's appearance.



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Walls are designed with windows to let light from the outside world into the space. In order to make the space habitable, sunlight and fresh air are also required. 

However, there are situations when designing a house plan compels us to create a room devoid of windows. Although it might not seem like much now, believe me when I say that it is in the long run.

Assume you have two rooms that are next to one another and share a wall. You can only open the common wall window between the two rooms according to your house layout. Adding a window to that wall won't improve light or airflow. That's the location of OTS comes into play.

In that wall, you can make an Open To Sky box. It will reach the roof, bringing with it the fresh air and light. Each room in OTS can now have a window installed in its wall. Although it won't let the outdoors into your space, it can significantly enhance the airflow and light quality.


Benefits and uses of OTS 

OTS is mostly used to increase natural light in the home.

To illustrate the rationale behind an OTS, let's say that your home has windows on just one side. The windows are oriented towards the direction that gets the least amount of sunshine.

Imagine now an OTS that gives you sunshine from above. In this manner, you receive the most sunshine possible for a longer period of time during the day. An OTS does not require you to leave your lights on all day. Consequently, power savings.

OTS can be utilized for a variety of purposes besides air ventilation and lighting. In OTS, we also intend to install our air conditioners external units, which will be neatly tucked away and improve the appearance of the house's facade.

We also passed via the OTS all of the plumbing pipes that originated on the first floor. Those pipes are typically visible on the house's back wall, which we think is unsightly. In this manner, all of the pipes enter the OTS, descend to the ground floor, and combine with the pipes on the ground floor.


The Drawbacks Of OTS

Every coin has two sides, and anything that is good also has a bad side. This also applies to OTS.

The main drawback of having an OTS is the space it takes up that can't be utilized for anything else. Additionally, OTS rooms get smaller.

OTS is chastised for their fire hazard as well. It is said that OTS spreads the fire swiftly and from one story to another.


Design Consideration For OTS


The following is a list of several OTS design factors.

OTS requirement:

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Consider the OTS's viability before applying. An OTS is typically not necessary for a corner house with three sides, for instance.

Position in a house plan:

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As previously said, the position should allow the OTS to serve several functions, including drainage, water and gas lines, HVAC, plumbing, and electric fixtures.

Dimensions of the OTS:

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Careful planning is required to optimize the benefits while maintaining a minimum square foot space.


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The house's terrace is frequently the point of entry to OTS. A useful tool for reaching top to bottom to clean or maintain utilities is a monkey ladder.

Rain Protection:

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It is required to provide rain protection for OTS if there is no drainage at its base. To protect the OTS from the weather, a glass cover or a shed are utilized.

Connection to the rooms:

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OTS is connected to the rooms that have air conditioning or windows.


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It is vital to prevent unauthorized individuals from accessing the top.



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General Requirement for open-to-sky space

1. All open spaces, whether inside or outside, must be devoid of any structures and remain accessible to the sky with adequate space for people to walk around.

2. In any open space mandated by these rules, no open drain—apart from rainwater—shall be built.

3. All of these outside and inside open spaces, unless they are streets, must be kept up solely for the use of that building and must be completely contained within the owner's property.

4. If a building's construction reduces an adjacent building's open space to a lesser extent than what is required by any of the regulations in effect at the time of the proposed work, or if the open space is already reduced below the prescribed amount, then no building construction work is permitted.

5. Every open space—interior or exterior—that is created in accordance with a regulation or an agreement filed with the Authority must be paved, kept free from construction, and open to the sky, with the exception of any grills or cornices that are 30 centimeters above the ground and have an opening that is at least 8 by 8 centimeters. To ensure that the width is not less than the minimum allowed by these regulations, no weather shade or other protection shall overhang or project over the aforementioned open space or over a side set-back. In every open space mandated by these regulations, no free structure shall have an open drain other than one for rainwater.

6. The ventilation opening must lead to an open sky area that is at least 0.9 meters by 0.9 meters in size.


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