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Development Agreements Between Landowners and Developers

Apr 08 2024

Development Agreements Between Landowners and Developers

Different Types of Development Agreements Between Landowners and Developers



In Joint venture agreements with landowners, developers often collaborate to leverage their respective resources and expertise for a mutually beneficial development project. Here some different types of agreements commonly seen in joint venture with landowners, along with their key features: 


Equity Joint Venture Agreements:

In an equity joint venture, the landowner and developer each contribute equity, typically in the form of cash, land, or both, to the joint venture entity. They become partners in the venture and share ownership according to their agreed upon equity stakes. 


Ground Lease Agreement:

In a ground lease, the landowner retains ownership of the land while leasing it to the developer for a specified period, often long-term. The developer pays rent to the landowner and typically has the right to develop and use the land during the lease term.


Profits-Sharing Agreements:

This type of agreement specifies how profits from the development project will be divided between the landowners and developer. The profits-sharing ratio may be based on various factors such as initial investment, project risks, or contribution of land versus capital.


Development Management Agreement:

Under this arrangement, the developer takes on the responsibility of managing the development process, including obtaining necessary permits, hiring contractors, and overseeing construction. The landowner retains ownership of the land but may receive a share of the profits or other compensation for granting development rights.


Land Lease with Profit-Sharing Agreement: 

In this scenario, the landowner leases the land to the developer for a specified period, during which the developer is responsible for developing and operating the project. The landowner receives lease payments and also shares in the project's profits.


Development Agreement with Land Purchase Option:

This agreement combines elements of a joint venture and an option agreement. The developer has the option to purchase the land at a predetermined price after completing certain development milestones or achieving specified performance targets.



Development Agreement with Land Contribution:

In this arrangement, the landowner contributes the land to the joint venture entity, while the developer provides financing, expertise, and project management services. The parties share ownership of the venture and any resulting profits or losses.




Infrastructure Development Agreement: 

In cases where the development requires significant infrastructure improvements, such as roads or utilities, the landowner and developer may enter into an agreement outlining the responsibilities for financing, constructing, and maintaining the infrastructure.


Revenue Sharing Agreement:

Instead of sharing profits, this type of agreement specifies how project revenues will be distributed between the landowner and developer. Revenue may come from sources such as property sales, leasing income, or other project-related activities.


Land Development Agreement:

This agreement outlines the responsibilities and obligations of each party regarding the development of the land. It may cover aspects such as land use planning, infrastructure development, environmental considerations, and project timelines.


Equity Participation Agreement:

Under this agreement, the landowner may receive an equity stake in the development entity in exchange for contributing land or other assets. The landowner becomes a shareholder in the venture and shares in its risks and rewards.

Performance-Based Agreement:

In a performance-based agreement, the landowner and developer agree on specific performance metrics or targets that must be met for the project to proceed or for certain benefits to be realized. These could include milestones related to project financing, construction progress, or sales/leasing targets.




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